domingo, 31 de enero de 2010

Assignment 6

Following are fact sets for 4 news stories. Your assignment is to read the fact sets and write leads for the four stories.
You do not need to write the actual story. REMEMBER: A lead is always only one sentence!! If you find you lead has two sentences
go back and rewrite it.

When you are finished this assignment you should have just 4 sentences in total.

Fact Set 1: An electrical accident in the Moines Municipal Power Pant almost take the life of of one employed of Acme Engineers .

Ralph Lincoln, 45, of Mason City, Iowa, a pipe fitter employed by Acme Engineers, a company headquartered in Marshalltown, Iowa; Harry Rosen, project manager for Acme Engineers, said Lincoln suffered third-degree burns at 3 p.m. today and was listed in serious condition in the intensive care unit at Des Moines Regents Hospital; Lincoln was installing new pipes on the roof of the Des Moines Municipal Power Plant, 223 Power Drive, when he touched a power line carrying 15,000 volts with a piece of angle iron.

Fact Set 2: Car accident almost produce a death in Barton County.

Myrna Jones, 27, of 402 N.W. 50th Lane, Lamar, Mo., and Ronald Stevenson, 19, Rural Route 2, Liberal, Mo.; Jones was driving a 1990 blue Dodge car west on County Road C in Barton County, near the town of Irwin, Mo., while Stevenson was driving east in a 1982 Chevy pickup; Barton County Sheriff Bill Griffith said Stevenson apparently crossed the center line and struck the Jones vehicle; Jones is in serious condition at Barton County Memorial Hospital; Stevenson was treated and released; no charges were filed

Fact Set 3:

A 45-year-old Denver, Colo. woman, Sheila Richards, was found dead in her apartment. Richards suffered a gunshot wound and police say they suspect foul play; Richards was found late this afternoon by a neighbor; coroners and police have not yet released the official cause of death, but police note Richards is the third woman to be found dead in her apartment building in the last three days.

Fact Set 4: A pretty face steal opportunity for a great news .

NASA spokesman Joel Wells says Kennedy Space Center officials have been inundated with more than 4,000 requests for press credentials to cover the launch of the shuttle Discovery when it carries space legend 77-year-old former U.S. Sen. John Glenn into orbit 36 years after his last space flight; Glenn will be the first senior citizen in space; a record-breaking 3,000 journalists have been granted credentials for the historic launch; "Today" show host Matt Lauer secured press credentials for his wife, Annette Roque, a model who is listed on the NBC roster as a makeup artist; an NBC network spokesperson says Roque was on the roster so she could watch the launch; she did not work for the network and was not paid by NBC; the NBC network spokesperson acknowledged that some NBC journalists are complaining that Roque's inclusion on the roster meant the network sent one less legitimate journalist to cover the launch.

Assignment 5

After reading the two style readings (Style Reading 1 and Style Reading 2) please choose ONE of the following activities.

Discuss the use of the words terrorism and terrorist in the context of the FARC campaign in Columbia. How are these words loaded? Discuss reasons for AND against using them in a newspaper article about the FARC. (250 words)
Discuss the use of the word liberal with reference to the Ecuadorian political scene. How is this word loaded? Explain the potential positive and negative interpretations of this word. (250 words)

Topic 1
Terrorism and Terrorist are words that used in a properly way can influence and manipulate person feelings for example , a person hear terrorism always is going to assimilate with evil , tragedy and from this new century the 10/11 .The point of view for the new generations of journalism is to call the attention of the reader in any want , they don't lie but alteration the true and that could be worst.
The FARC the biggest group in Latin America , when people hear his name with Colombia , death and kidnaps but they fight for their ideology or was at the beginning but now they only search to create commotion and be hear, but in any case the words terrorism and terrorist couldn't be use to describe this group because they don't do the thinks that a group of that kind should do to be catalogue in that word , for example they don't use extreme force to make them be hearing or attack the government , they only transform them self's in a Traficant , and the great revolutionary ideas had turn in the search of more money based in the sell and export of weed.
In conclusion the use of some terms in different context can make the people or the readers think that all kind of persons or groups can be catalogue in a certain way , begging really that way or only have some small details about that qualify word .

Assignment 4

Write a descriptive paragraph about a topic of your choice. In you paragraph you must have a leat one sentence containing a semicolon, one containing an em dash and one containing a colon.

Have past a year since i left college to make practice and get experience for my career , just love the responsibility , the teachings of the real life and most of all work in what i really like. the edition , the films and all kind of use of visual effects are mi passion and i would never change that , i have make a great productions with my friends , that i am really proud, for example a friend of my have seen a few episodes of a series that i was involve and said" was really nice you do the edition?" , and with pride i could said " YES" the satisfaction of seen your work done and most important that the people like it is very grateful.

Assignmnet 3

Describe the role of an editor in a newspaper. Use the example of Ben Bradlee in the film All the President's Men explaining specifically how his actions affected the Watergate story.

The role of the Editor is to see the distribution of the stories and how they should go in which part of the newspaper , also the constantly interview with the editor can improve the story . The editor is one of the top heads in the newspapers because they analyze the possibilities of a new also the experience that the editor should have is very value in the world of press , for example the editor of the Washington Post during the Watergate story make him in pressure because a constantly use of anonymous sources give the image that someone is not really sure what happen and even worst that maybe all was a lie , the pressure for a constantly corroboration of the details and what they should print or not because any mistake can destroy the complete story and close a lot of doors about more information.
The personality of a editor is also very important because is needed a really strong person to confront a lot of persons and accept when are wrong , for example a whole newspaper include a lot of news some can be of great interesting in the international field but to the Washington that cannot be that serious the decision of see which work is the main point also the ability to said "No , this don't work write it again because this, this and this reason " that kind of power and heartless is important to keep the power and not be seen less than one is .
To keep a good relationship with the editor of the newspaper is a good way not only to learn about the experience of one , but also to start using his contacts in different parts of the society or in high power circles that can teach you how to move in them without any commitment that is the real power that the editor have.

Assignment 1: Journalism and Writing Quotes

Choose one of the following quotes and write a brief paragraph explaining it and giving your opinion about it:

"Words are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little."
-- Tom Stoppard"

In this quote talk about the power that the words have with the right meaning in the right place a word can inspire people and that is over power nobody can refuse a speech where all the words are put in the correct place because is not only the contain of the speech, but is the magnitude of the feelings that the words have when are in the right place the persons got motivate and start making identify with the perfection and feel great about the power that the words transmit to them. In my opinion this quote have a lot of sense because if you put a word where is not belong can confuse the reader even make him understand something wrong and feel frustrate , that is why have to read something 2 or 3 times to be sure about the appearance of the text.

domingo, 17 de enero de 2010

A difficult situation

by Estefanía Moreno

Mary is a dutiful housewife. She married 5 years ago with a handsome, Julio. They appeared to be a happy couple, but the reality was different. July had an affair with Brisa's best friend Mary and his work was with the mob. That's why Mary was separated from the two most important people in his life and suffered a depression that led her to seek professional help. She go with her psychiatrist, the Dr. Miriam Klein who offered her the chance to do so, but she chose instead to tell me a long story about prisioners and betrayals, of wich I found it very difficult to understand more than a small part like many lonely people, she probably watches too much television, and has difficulty in telling the difference between crime movies and the reality of her own life.

viernes, 15 de enero de 2010


It is always exciting to visit a new place. It's so tempting to leave your bags in the hotel and just go straight out without having any idea about the neighbourhood, but someone it pays to take a few simple precautions to make sure that you don't have any unpleasant experiences.

It's a good idea to read up about the place you're visiting, beforehand. There may be customs you need to be aware of; there may be areas that are considered unsafe; there may be tips on appopriate dress. If you have some knowledge before you set off, you're bound to enjoy your trip more. After all, you wouldn't want to talk around swinging expensive cameras, wearing a Rolex watch in an area where there is a high incidence of attacks on tourists.

If you are travelling on your own, it is unwise to go wandering around late at night. Be sure to stay in brightly lit areas. Walk quickly and try to look as if you know where you're going. If you dawdle you're more likely to stand out. It goes without saying that if you are a woman ravelling alone, you should be doubly careful.

Looking after yourself when you're in a new country is basically down to common sense and if you follow the tips we've given you, you're sure to have wonderful time.



During holidays of december I worked with a group of comunicators, exactly in a production. I am one of the directors of the "En la Vida" program wich will be broadcast on the public channel Ecuador TV. I realized 10 reports on drug use among youth. The tematic of this serie is the drugs preventions from the information and we seek to reach with information and not denial.

I was working for Triada Producciones, a company wich produces audiovisual products. In this place we worked with spots, movies, advertising, promotional, corporate videos, pilots.

When I finished my free time I had done several pilots for informational and entertainment programs.

I enjoyed and learned very much wiI enjoyed and learned a lot, practice my skills and put into practice what they learned in college. I also met several personalities and professionals and interview various figures from political and social environment.

ORIGAMI an art for everyone

Origami is the ancient Japanese art of paper folding. The only material necessary is paper which is available everwhere in all colors, shapes and sizes and no tools are needed to create these paper works of art. Origami is first mentioned in the 4th century AD when square and rectangular pieces of paper were cut and folded into symbolic representantions of the spirit of God and hung at the Grand Imperial Shrines as objects of worships.

the word origami comews from the word oru meaning fold and paper meaning kami. Origami dates bak to the Heian Period (741-1191). However. (1338-1573) and by the nineteenth century about seventy folding designs had been devised including the crane, frog, ship an balloon. Today most Japanese people would be able to create an Orizuru from a square piece of paper without using glue or scissors.

If you like this artistic expression you can surfing the net ant find out how to join a discussion group that talks about origami. Also you can to see things that have been made through the art of paper product of this hobby fun and creative.

Origami behind this ancient art shows how art can trascendet borders and religions. Where people discovered the simple thrill of folding paper into various shapes a small square of paper into a beautiful I great or a majestic lion.