jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009


The rounds allow children to know their body schema, internalize it.

When children turn, cross, walk sideways, given half a complete turn around and are making movements that require balance, psychomotor coordination. By forming a round body learn to connect with the physical space to be located, keep your distance. The children's rounds and traditional games remind our childhooD, when we were very small and we held hands forming a round enjoy this time.

The children's rounds and play, not only give joy, which in itself is already sufficient evidence them as a fundamental part of their daily work, but that strengthen skills, abilities, values and attitudes that are very necessary for the development of a child, especially in the first seven years of life.

In the rounds and traditional games to play from their peers to be carried by the "devil with the ten thousand horns" when waiting their turn to be the wolf The child is practicing and living standards of relationship, learning to take turns, share your games with everyone, not to discriminate, to be patient with the smallest, with those who do not run so fast. Learn to love others, because they have played and laughed.

In the rounds and games the child gains confidence and security in itself, begins to know, accept their own failures, learn to lose, learn to live.


This film is following close Uruguayan Spanish. Directed by Uruguayan Alvaro Brechner, the film stars actors Gary Piquer, Jouko Ahola, Antonella Costa and Cesar Troncoso.

The history begining in a bad day for fishing are two peculiar hustler - Orsini, a rogue and his principal employer, Jacob van Oppen, a giant, a former World Wrestling Champion - who travel from village to village fair by organizing exhibitions of Latin America. They embark on a long endless tour after which Orsini says with conviction, "the champion to regain their title. However, its unique journey in search of that glorious past comes to an end at the time when events take an unexpected turn for actors and uncontrollable

A businessman and a former wrestler, who travel from village to village fair by organizing exhibitions of Latin America. During his travels things go as planned and everything changes.

BMX, a sport of the champions

BMX is an extreme sport when the ciclists enjoy with this activity. In Quito, the BMX was practice in the park of "La Carolina", where meet the people around the pist, in special in the evening.

The BMX is a helthy sport and whom practice this have the opportunity of compete in the world tournament. Ecuador have a champion, his name is Andres, and he live in Cuenca. The ecuadorian public love this spectacular events.

The young people find activities for spend your free time, but BMX can be the great opportunity in your life, in your carrer and in favour with your health,

I love the adrenaline and the BMX offered me. I think that this hobby is a good experience for the childrens and teenagers because you need to have to be an a good shape for practice, it is a advantage for the ciclists. I recommend ths sport and invite to the public in general to support this cause, furthermore inform BMX a lot of people.

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009


It is a fascinating novel by Portuguese writer Jose Saramago, published in 1995. Considered one of his best known, along with all the names.

The novel tells how a strange epidemic of white blindness spreads through the entire country, putting a society in chaos, and placing it on the brink of destruction.

The first infected is a man waiting in his car outside a stoplight and thereafter extends through those close to him, so he misses his wife never contracted it. The authorities began to round up those involved and are quarantined in an old, abandoned, the old asylum. With the passing days, the disease is unstoppable and despite attempts the streets are filled with blind. As you increase the fear and the crisis in the country, people gradually become prey to the basest instincts of man, reaching more miserable end.

The profound selfishness that mark the various characters in the struggle for survival, becomes a parable of contemporary society and to transcend the meaning of blindness beyond the physical disease itself.

This is a story that reflects the reality of our species, and shows the human nature from its most painful, hatred.

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2009


The Inspiration

Playing for Change is a multimedia movement created to inspire, connect, and bring peace to the world through music. The idea for this project arose from a common belief that music has the power to break down boundaries and overcome distances between people. No matter whether people come from different geographic, political, economic, spiritual or ideological backgrounds, music has the universal power to transcend and unite us as one human race. And with this truth firmly fixed in our minds, we set out to share it with the world.
The Production

We built a mobile recording studio, equipped with all the same equipment used in the best studios, and traveled to wherever the music took us. As technology changed, our power demands were downsized from golf cart batteries to car batteries, and finally to laptops. Similarly, the quality with which we were able to film and document the project was gradually upgraded from a variety of formats-- each the best we could attain at the time—finally to full HD.

One thing that never changed throughout the process was our commitment to create an environment for the musicians in which they could create freely and that placed no barriers between them and those who would eventually experience their music. By leading with that energy and intent everywhere we traveled, we were freely given access to musicians and locations that are usually inaccessible. In this respect, the inspiration that originally set us on this path became a co-creator of the project along with us!
The Effect

Over the course of this project, we decided it was not enough for our crew just to record and share this music with the world; we wanted to create a way to give back to the musicians and their communities that had shared so much with us. And so in 2007 we created the Playing for Change Foundation, a separate 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation whose mission is to do just that. In early 2008, we established Timeless Media, a for-profit entity that funds and extends the work of Playing for Change. Later that year, Timeless Media entered into a joint venture with the Concord Music Group through the support of label co-owner and entertainment legend Norman Lear and Concord Music Group executive vice president of A&R John Burk. Our goal is to bring PFC’s music, videos and message to the widest possible audience.

Now, musicians from all over the world are brought together to perform benefit concerts that build music and art schools in communities that are in need of inspiration and hope. In addition to benefit concerts, the Playing for Change band also performs shows around the world. When audiences see and hear musicians who have traveled thousands of miles from their homes, united in purpose and chorus on one stage, everyone is touched by music's unifying power.

And now, everyone can participate in this transformative experience by joining the Playing for Change Movement. People are hosting screenings, musicians are holding benefit concerts of every size, fans are spreading the message of Playing for Change through our media, and this is only the beginning. Together, we will connect the world through music!


This is a great time for women in business. There are more opportunities available than ever before, and a high demand for people with leadership, management and marketing skills. At the same time, however, women continue to face challenges in getting ahead, achieving the recognition they deserve, and integrating the career and personal life they most desire.
There are biggest challenges involve of women in the workplace. The women of many companies can´t advance to their full work potential, and the formidable task of balancing career, family and personal lives.
As women capable and entrepreneurs always have wondered:

• What is my goal?
• What excites me?
• What could I do?
• What other type of organization I´d like to work for?
• Do I want to start my own business?

The reality is the world is changing.

If you do decide to work for a company rather than start your own business, look for one that appreciates the importance of women and her values in the society. For example, recognizing a talent base, where women at the company get together, talk about work issues and support each other within the organization.

Another major issue for women at work is how to balance work and life. Fortunately, companies are recognizing that part of this balancing-taking care of family matters, including raising children, isn't just a women's issue, but a man's issue, too.

More and more people, including successful and wellknown women and men, are saying, "My family comes first."

The goal is not to choose work or family. It's to balance and integrate both worlds successfully.


I am studying communication, actually in third year. I love my career and I have been fortunate to work for an independent producer specialized in audiovisual production.

In this sort of work stuff is the most important thing, because the positive attitude will open doors everywhere and to everyone. Our work is an everyday challenge, and many times a quite daunting confront. There is a pretty woman stereotype. Even today in many media the appearance is more important than talent. This is the defy for all women who want to work in the TV or cinema.

In my personal case, when I worked with the channel “Ecuador TV”, I participated in a TV program, produced for CONSEP and “Triada Comunicación” with the support of the public channel. A educational program where the principal priority was; the drug prevention.

In the case of the program "En la Vida", the goal was to touch youth and teenagers with real drug abuse situations, without overreacting or trying to ban or prosecute their actions.

Our duty was to inform and make conscience; this was challenge to all who have participated in this educational project.

In conclusion, the challenges we have women in the workforce, are disappearing thanks to the efforts and outstanding work that many women in the world come to play.


My name is Estefanía Moreno. I am twenty one years old. I have lived my life in Quito with my parents and my brothers. I studied my school in Educational Unit "Eufrasia", where I have very good friends and my high school in the "24 de Mayo", when I learned humility and reality. Actually, I am studying Audiovisual Comunication in the Internacional University Sek.
When I was twelve years ago, I prefered watch movies than read books, but today I understand the importance of learning to write for transfer it to the images. I love the photography, cinema, movies, theater.
One years ago, I had the oportunity of work in the Ecuador TV, the public chanel where I lived and learned the true of the tv programs. I feel like with my election and for my future want to create visual art all my life. I love it.
This is part of my life to continue to write on a canvas uncertain.
Thaks for your time!